Ahhh, the sacred stuff archived for historical and collectible purposes. If it's Vectrex, it's here! Categorized and rated for their rarity, you're sure to be drooling for hours.


"Bits N Pieces"
--- WT The Font (TTF) ---
The following is an excerpt from a post on rec.games.vectrex by Bill Hudson (OddClock).
"I used to work at Western Technologies, and I came across a piece of electronic memorabilia on my hard drive recently. The WT logo looked like an elaborate infinity symbol, and we wanted to put it in our document headers and schematic sheets. The easiest way was to make a font that included the logo. Just for fun, I also added a character that looked like Jay Smith, our founder. Download the WT font (wtlogo.ttf 48Ki)

"$%^" =Western Tech logos
"`" = Jay Smith face" - Bill Hudson (OddClock)


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